Starting Over

Starting Over Again....This time for good. Breaking free from these shackles and chains of weight and making the most out of my days by living in the moment, and basking in the glory of change!


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Monday, August 15, 2011

Hard Work Paid Off..27lbs lighter!!

I am pleased to say that I have lost 27lbs this week!! I am so excited about that. I am sure alot of it was water weight or whatever, but I have to say the biggest loser messed up when they didn't pick me!! Oh well, God has a plan, and I guess it was for me to go ahead and finish nursing school. Which by the way starts back in the morning in full force! A whole day of lecture! I just wanted to let everyone know my good weight loss news!!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Will I be up or down??

So weigh in day is tomorrow and I have to say that I am excited about it. I have been working my butt off with excercise and sticking to my calories and I can't wait to see what the scale says. Yeah, I know that I shouldn't be so obsessed with it, but I just can't wait to get out of these 300's and then 200's and on to better things. I dreamed last night that I weighed and was 329 haha, like that would happen in a week, only if I was on my death bed. But I am hoping for a pretty decent number.

I just finished a workout on the tredmill and then some floor excercises, abs, stretching, stuff like that. I have been cleaning the house all day, preparing for school that is starting back on Tuesday! I mean where did the summer go?? I am kinda glad, because I want to get it over with and get a paying job!! I can't remember what it is like to have your own money anymore. Completely forgot the feeling. But Lord willing, in less than a year I will be making lots of money!

So, guess I am going to finish up laundry and I can't wait to post my weight tomorrow!! Talk then!

School Time!!

Well it is that time again. School starts on Tuesday and I must say that I am ready to get it over with. Less than a year to go and then take boards and we will be RN's making the money and I can't wait. Got some cleaning to do today and tomorrow cause I always seem to put things off to last minute.

I have been doing good on my diet and I know that I am losing weight, and I am so ready to weigh in tomorrow and let everyone know how much progress I have made since I joined the gym and started on my path to healthiness!

Well, just wanted to update on what is going on, now I must clean! UGHHHHH

Friday, August 12, 2011

3rd day and counting!

So, I am loving the gym. I am working out about an hour and a half each evening and I am eating all the right foods, and I am feeling great. I am so ready to weigh myself on monday just to see how much my hard work is paying off. I am so glad that I am getting to go with my sister and we get some us time. I love the fact that we are working so hard. Well, I am so sleepy I am goingt to get to bed! Just wanted to say I am loving it!!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Loving the Gym!!

So for the past two days I have gone to the gym and I have loved it!! I have gotten away from my baby girl for a little while and got my sweat on. My sister and I got a membership together with our husbands so we have it until December sometime and it was less than $20 a month! I mean you really can't beat that. They have so much equipment and the atmosphere is very nice. I don't feel uncomfortable at all. Everyone there seems to be really nice. I have always been scared about going to the gym because I didn't want anyone to notice how big I am and talk about me. My sister is half my size, but still needs to lose a little weight and it's like I told her, fat people have to get skinny somewhere!!

I am so happy that I am enjoying it, and I am cooking healthy meals and snacks are healthy as well. Stocked up on some fruit and things and some protein that I am making mixed berry shakes with, and soy milk. They are actually really good! I just have to keep it up and I know when school starts that I am going to be exhausted, but I am going to find the time to get to the gym and to get my studying done as well. I am really going to have to depend on my husband alot and I am praying that he is up for the challenge. If we can make it 2 more semesters we will be home free and I will be nursing and making good money. He worries about money all the time and I wish that he wouldn't. I worry about it too, but there is nothing that we can do about it, but what we are doing now. Until I finish school it is going to be a struggle, but man, when I am done, we will be living it up!

So I just wanted to share my gym experience with everyone, and I am about to hit the shower and the bed!! Got to get back on track with getting into bed early and getting out of it even earlier!!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Starting Over

So I had to go and change a few things. And when I finally stepped on the scale I was sick to my stomach. No wonder I pulled a muscle in my back today. I am killing it with all this weight that I am carrying. This is my NOW and I am taking back my life. Starting from this moment on, there will be no more games, there will be no more tomorrows, there will only be today and the moments that I make with it. The food choices that I make, the steps that I take toward excercise. The role model that I want to be for my daughter.

Is there anyone else out there that is struggling the way that I am??

There will be no more excuses, they are killing me. I am stronger than this and I know that I can beat it. I know that I am can beat it!!!!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Biggest Loser Audition Charlotte

So I am still here. Really haven't been doing like I should and haven't lost any more weight, but I have been busy with the biggest loser. I went to an open casting call in Charlotte this past Saturday, August 6, and it was an experience for the book! I took the 3 hour trip with my sister who is auditioning with me, but we didn't get a call back for that. But we also were busy making a video to send in as well because you can get a call from that. Just sent that like two days ago so we will see how that goes. My major thing was, if I don't go I will never know. So we went, and had a great time and enjoyed ourselves.

This coming week I am joining the gym with my sister and a few friends and I hope that this will help to keep me on track!! Nothing like a little friendly competition to bring out the weight loss in a person! All fun though. My sister and I were thinking about some things that we could do for the winner. Kind of like our own biggest loser thing and whoever loses the most percentage in a certain amount of time, gets the prize. I want a trip to Alaska, haha, don't think that would happen anytime soon, but I tell you what I am going to get there!!

School starts back this coming Tuesday for me! I know right, where did the summer go?? The way that I am looking at it is that we are more than halfway finished! Two semesters left, a state board exam, and then I will be a registered nurse! And before that happens, or at least around the same time, I want to have lost over 100 pounds. I know that I can do it, and I know that I have said that quite alot on here lately, but I have to do it. Pulled a muscle in my back today and I am only 30 and I feel like I falling apart. Every part of my body hurts all the time, my clothes don't fit, I feel depressed all the time, I never get to enjoy life, I am always stuck at the house because my weight holds me down! Not anyMORE!!! I refuse. I have spent the past 30 years fighting this, and I refuse to spend my next 30 years hiding from the world. It's my time now!!